Hi readers. Emmie here to detail our trip to Flagstaff, Arizona and that big hole in the earth, the Grand Canyon.
It’s about 4 hours driving from Phoenix to flagstaff and I had agreed to take the first driving shift. If you read the post about Phoenix, you would know that the night before we left, we were up until almost 4AM watching Harry Potter dominate Voldemort, and listening to all the nineteen-year old boys in the theater cat call Hermione. So naturally, Katie and Parm passed out, and I was BORED. We were driving through the middle of nowhere with huge cacti. It looked like John Wayne would pop out from behind a rock formation at any moment.
About an hour into the drive, Parm and I had a huge squabble about her putting on her seatbelt, despite her feeling ill. I did the famous Calland “ants on the road” tactic to demonstrate that I am not a trustworthy driver. “Ants on the road” is when you swerve the car around as if to avoid imaginary ants on the road, something my parents did when we were younger, not to prove a point, but just for fun. Looking back on it now, it’s amazing they didn’t get picked up for drunk driving. But anyway, my insistence on seatbelts has been brought up no less than 50 times since that day, but I will not apologize for my love of safety.
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I actually pulled this off of google images- but there were some signs like this in Arizona. |
We arrived at the home of two of our favorite people, Mike and Curtis Franklin in Flgastaff in late afternoon. Mike and Curtis are college friends of one of our co-workers and best friends at Epic Collin, and we're willing to overlook the fact that they went to Michigan.
Unfortunately, Curtis is gone this month for work, but we would get the chance to hang out with Mike. Upon our arrival, Mike was in the process of whipping up an amazing steak and vegetable dinner. I offered to help by doing the artichokes. Unfortunately, I have never prepared artichokes before, and even with Katie’s expert help, our attempt to grill the artichokes was a complete and total fail. See pic below. The rest of the dinner, however, was delicious.
I'm shrugging at my failed attempt at artichokes, not my glasses. Although my glasses are also ridiculous. |
Meg, Mike's a keeper. |
Mike also invited his friend Jerry over, and the plan was to head out on Jerry’s boat later that evening. After chowing down on the delicious steak dinner, we donned our swimsuits and drove out to the lake to meet up with Jerry and his wife Leslie….AND ANOTHER adorable doggy with a persons name, Toby.
Our favorite thing about Toby, besides the fact that he is a wiener dog and would bark anytime anyone went in the water, is that he had a doggie life jacket. This caused us to brainstorm different costumes we could produce for Toby around Halloween. A hotdog costume, a submarine, a canoe or any kind of long boat really (Parm wants me to mention the Titianic) or most obviously, a corndog.
Toby! |
With daylight waning, Jerry and Leslie helped us each get prepped to go wakeboarding. Both Parm and Katie were successful in standing up, for at least small increments, on the cute pink and purple women’s wakeboard. As dusk fell and I attempted to strap on the wakeboard, I could NOT get my feet in. Seeing I was having major issues, Jerry came over and asked what size shoe I wear. Upon finding out I am a women’s 11, he chortled and brought over the wakeboard designed for men. It was adorned with a very masculine looking skull and cross bones. I often joke that it looks like a tranny lives in our apartment due to the size of my heels, but needing a tranny wakeboard is adding insult to injury. That being said, I think the broad base and badass designs helped the cause, as I was able to stand up for quite a while on the last run.
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Katie getting ready to wakeboard |
Sweet action shot pre-fall, I think this is Parm. |
Nightrider Emmie |
Then we anchored the boat and joined some of Mike’s friends on the shore for a bonfire. We made some awesome smores and met some new people. My favorite part, however, was how at the end of the night, we were shuttled back out to Jerry’s anchored boat by one of Mike’s co-workers in a wooden canoe he made himself. Additionally, he had us tell our best jokes, and his joke was pretty sweet….but clearly not that sweet because I can’t remember it... I should also mention that we had had some wine at the bonfire. So in place of that joke, I will tell another. Two peanuts walked into a bar, and one was assaulted…REH! What do you get when cross an elephant and a rhino…ELEFINO! Or my personal favorite, stolen from the writers of Big Bang Theory, a proton and a neutron walk into a bar. When the neutron orders his drink the bartender says "for you, NO CHARGE." I'll be here all week.
The next morning, we had grandiose plans to do a day hike but Katie and Parm woke up with the same fever-like symptoms and sinus infection that I had woken up with in Carlsbad. Hence, they declared it a vacation day from anything overly active, especially at high altitudes (and wouldn't you know it, Flagstaff is actually around 7000 feet elevation.) After scarfing down some delicious croissants a la Mike, Mike and I decided to go on a hike to Mt. Humphries a little after noon. We hiked from about 9000 feet to 1200 feet to what's called the saddle, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t pretty exhausted.
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Ring! Ring! Bananaphone |
Super squinty, but scenery behind is gorge... |
See? |
In the meantime, Katie and Parm were feeling a little bit better and decided to take a bike ride and complete some obstacle challenges at a local park.
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Katie attempting the monkey bar challenge. Apparently this is about 50 times harder now than it was in grade school. |
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I'm not sure what the objective was here, but it looks like Parm conquered it. |
Mike was down to show us a good time, but we were so tired that we ended up just heading back home. We did not force Mike to watch old episodes of the Bachelorette, however, so we'll call it even, right Mike ;)
The next morning we got up and got ready to head to the GRAND CANYON. After about an hour and a half drive with our bikes in tow, we arrived at the visitors center. Instead of explaining the sequence of events in detail, I'm going to let the pictures plus captions do most of the talking. It should be mentioned that Mike is an excellent photographer, so he took many of these pictures. Thanks Mike!
Eating some sandwiches made by Katie before heading out on our hike. Mike also mandated that we drink at least half of our water bottles. |
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And we come full circle! This is just like the vending machine we saw at Mt. Rushmore. |
The description of South Kaibab trail says that you will "hug the cliffs." I think they meant the TRAIL hugs the cliffs but we hugged the cliffs anyway. I even slightly straddled the cliffs. Also, there was mule poop everywhere. |
The canyon is awesome. |
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The view from Ooh-Ahh point after an hour or so of hiking...OOOOOHHHHH....AHHHHHHHH |
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Check out those switchbacks...pretty awesome. |
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Shortly after our picnic, it started raining as predicted by the volunteers. Here we are running in the rain from the parking lot to the Grand Canyon watchtower. Good action shot Mike. |
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Parm contemplating the meaning of life from the watchtower. #probablysomethinginvolvinghashtags |
They should have just shown us this picture. Dramatic. |
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Then we biked up Hermit trail to get a good spot to view the sunset. Mike took this picture of K-tizzle one handed while biking. Stud. |
Planking because I told my sister I would. |
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Watching the sunset. The girls next to us were Australian and were downing the wine. |
So gorgeous. You know...(insert something insightful about life here) |
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Self-timed jumping picture on the edge of the canyon! Mike has really upped the ante on our pictures for this trip. Skillz that killz. |
A huge shout-out to our host, Mike Franklin!! Mike you are amazing. Top 10 reasons we love Mike, skillz that killz edition:
1. He can cook anything and often does (granola, scones, steak, the list goes on)
2. He can make you feel good about your hiking skills, even though he runs the trails you can barely walk
3. He is an excellent photographer and isn't opposed to taking approximately 30 jumping pictures until you get it right
4. He is dating Meghan Wons. Enough said.
5. He can take pictures of you, while riding a bike with no hands, up a hill, on a bike with no gears.
6. He makes sure you don't die while riding back to the car in the dark, sternly ordering you to pull off the road.
7. He informs you gently and tactfully that this entire time you have been driving around the country with bikes on the bike rack incorrectly but somehow manages to not mock you about it (at least not to your face)
8. He has great suggestions for outdoor destinations
9. He took a whole weekend to show us Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon!
10. He introduced Parm to what may be her favorite song ever by the Lonely Island. Although I would wager McGucks would want this off of the skillz that killz list :)
Thanks so much Mike for your hospitality. Hope your rafting trip was amazing! Oh, and a shout-out to Curtis Franklin for letting us sleep in your bed while you're gone and for the bike rack. HANDS LIKE GLUE! :)
Next stop is Telluride..."snow falling down...I was waking up in that sleepy little town"
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