After a relaxing time with Mike and Libby Spiegel in Palo Alto, we headed down to meet our friend Gopal, who now works at Google. Gopal works with the Google Maps division of the company, so his office building was marked with a life-size red marker like they use in Google Maps. We pulled up to meet Gopal and were greeted by a Google Maps Streetview car AND valet parking (because their parking lots aren’t big enough for all the employees – woot!). So we handed over the keys to Snoop the Subaru and entered the world of Google.
One of the original Streetview cars from Google. And Gopal.
Gopal must have known how to impress us – as soon as we walked in the door, he welcomed us to a cooler full of delicious Odwalla drinks. Of course, I had a green Super Food one and was sold on Google. Little did I know there was lots more free food to come.
Outside the main cafeteria.
Highlights of the Google tour with Gopal:
- There is a LOT of free food for the employees at Google. Cafeterias with different types of food at each building, drink coolers every few cubicles (with my favorite drinks – Odwalla Green Machine Super Food and Hint Water), espresso machines where you can make your own drinks (I made my own chai latte for the first time and did a pretty good job if I do say so myself), and snack stations about every 150 ft. in each building with delicious and nutritious food.
- The cafeteria food is really good. I could eat there every day for the rest of my life and be a happy camper. We sat outside for lunch on one of the patios and watched the chefs and landscape guys digging a big hole in the ground then light a big fire at the bottom for the pig roast the next day.
- Dogs are allowed at work! But not cats. Sorry cat-lovers.
- Google holds staff meetings every Friday and sometimes has guest speakers at those meetings such as Conan O’Brien and Lady Gaga. Gopal ended up going to see the Lady Gaga concert after her appearance, so we asked him if he put his paws up like a 'little monster.' To which he replied that he may have during one of the songs.
- Google has a position titled ‘Google’s Jolly Good Fellow.’ Sorry folks, I don’t think they’re taking applications – it started as a joking title for one of its most tenured engineers, Tan Chade-Meng (Meng for short), but eventually became a real position. Meng also has a thing for taking pictures with famous figures and has a whole wall at Google dedicated to these photos, which include such illustrious figures as Presidents Obama, Clinton and Carter, the Dalai Lama, Robin Williams and Leonardo DiCaprio. Check out his website if you’re as intrigued by him as I was.
Shout out to Gopal for a fantastic tour of Google! We had a fantastic time and hope to see you again soon!
We hit the road again towards Santa Barbara via Highway 1 through Big Sur, my favorite drive of the trip. I think I’m alone in that distinction, though. We’ve learned on this trip that Parm gets carsick from really windy roads, and unfortunately, I’ve been driving on both of those roads. Needless to say, the Big Sur drive was NOT her favorite. Thank you, Parm and Emmie for sticking out Big Sur! It was GORGE!!!
We arrived in Santa Barbara at about 10:30 p.m. after a close call with a nearly-empty gas tank (in my defense, there was not a gas station for over 60 miles on the way into Santa Barbara). Thank you, Snoop the Subaru, for still going even after the gas needle dropped below zero!
The next morning, Parm left us early in the a.m. for her family reunion in Nebraska. Throughout the trip, I have not been the most morning-oriented person. In fact, in life, I’m very much a night owl. So even though I volunteered about two months ago to take Parm to her 6 a.m. flight, I should not have been surprised when she asked me about 10 times if I really wanted to take her. Parm even asked Emmie if she would be my backup. Inspired by the challenge, I woke up with the first ringing of my alarm and we arrived at the small and quaint Santa Barbara airport right on time.
Left to our own devices, Emmie and I tore up Santa Barbara. It was too extreme for this blog, and we haven’t even told Parm all the details.
Just kidding, Santa Barbara was pretty tame, with the exception of a seagull dive-bombing to grab French fries from a little girl’s plate at dinner.
Emmie took a run and I took a bike ride along the beach, before a breakfast by the pool and then a walk into town. Emmie did some research and found the best sandwich joint in town, Natural Café. We hovered like vultures for a beautiful outdoor table and had a most delicious lunch.
A quiz for those of you that know me well: What is my favorite store of all time?
- Forever 21
- Anthropologie
- Big & Tall
- Nordstrom
The correct answer: Nordies (Nordstrom). In case you were wondering, yes, there is a Nordies in Santa Barbara. And of course, yes, we did stop there. Emmie got a pair of Tom platforms that she shipped back to Pittsburgh and I got a few tank tops to replace the ones that shrank on the trip. It was wonderful.
Thank you for the artsy beach/Nordstrom shot, Emmie :)
The beach was almost as magical as Nordstrom. We laid out by the Santa Barbara pier for a bit, then explored the pier and got some ice cream. Yum.
We stayed for dinner at Shoreline Beach Café, we ordered a drink at their concession stand and pulled up chairs on the beach instead of waiting at the bar for a table.
Emmie and I agreed that we got the prefect table for dinner – in the corner, right on the beach, but with glass to shield us from the wind.
And for dinner entertainment, as mentioned previously, we had a seagull dive-bomb a little girl’s dinner to grab a few French fries. The little girl was so cute and just made a sad face instead of bursting into tears as many of us would have. And the Dad couldn’t stop laughing while picking up the French fries from the sand.
And with that, we headed from the paradise of Santa Barbara to the bustling L.A!
Switching gears now to Parm to give a brief glimpse of what in the world I was doing in Nebraska over the weekend:
Every 5 years, my mother’s side of the family has met for a large reunion in the towns of West Point and Beemer, Nebraska, about an hour north of Omaha. These two places are so significant to our family as both my maternal grandparents are from these neighboring towns. It’s hard to go 10 feet in each place without running into someone you’re related to in fact. I lovingly refer to this as “city kids meet the farm” as I’m instantly be mesmerized by the beautiful green rolling hills, lush cornfields and ask 10,000 questions of my hardworking relatives on the farm. It’s a powerful experience to see a glimpse into the past of one’s ancestors and imagine what life was like for them.
Some things have changed with time – in navigating through the country roads with my grandma and iPhone, I asked if she meant to turn left on “K” road. She said, “It never had a name when I lived here 70 years ago, but I know this is the turn.” She was right. Dirt roads and iPhones aren’t great friends either as I took my lovely aunt Rebe down the very questionable sand road “D road” that gained us the admiration of the locals for our hardcore-ness. The reunion is always full of lots of laughs, fireworks, visiting the family church, cemetery and most exciting – romping around the family homestead known as the “Stark place”. A few pictures from the weekend:
Beautiful Nebraska farmland - one of the highest corn producing counties and best beef in the country comes from right here in Cuming Country, NE
Happy 85th Birthday to my lovely grandma Talitha, a blog follower!
Aunt Lois (who you met in Salem) and I attempt a jumping picture in the cornfields
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